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While women still make up the preponderance of patients who come to our office for facial enhancement with fillers, we are seeing more and more men who want to enhance their features with well-placed fillers and toxins.

It is extremely important that men seek out an injector who is familiar with the structural differences in the faces and men and women and know how to place injections precisely where they belong. For instance, fillers placed laterally in the cheek of a man is unnatural, whereas augmenting the middle part of the cheek is a good way to improve the projection of that area. Misplaced facial filler can lead to a feminized look, which is not desirable for most men.

In addition, the use of toxins such as Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and Jeuveau in men is now close to 30% of our patient population, a big increase over the past. As they age, the brows of men, with their strong muscular pull, start to sag over the eyelids, causing an angry look that can also look tired. It’s critical to understand the anatomy of the male brow and forehead in order to properly inject these areas with neurotoxins. An arched brow is a feminine brow, so the injector must be careful to inject the appropriate muscles in order to avoid this situation.

Drs. Gendler, Hammerman, and Brauer are avid students of anatomy and have honed their technique with fillers such as Voluma, Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and the full RHA collection, as well as neurotoxins such as Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and Jeuveau to give a natural, relaxed and youthful appearance to men’s faces.


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