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Build muscle and burn fat

Get toned, become stronger, and burn fat while lying down? You’d be forgiven for thinking Emsculpt® in NYC sounds too good to be true. However, as one of the latest advancements in non-invasive sculpting technology – it’s no longer science fiction, but an FDA-approved technology that we are proud to offer here in Manhattan at Gendler Dermatology.

Under the care of board-certified dermatologists, Emsculpt will help you gain muscle, define your ideal shape, and reduce fat in troubled areas such as the stomach and waist.

Which areas does emsculpt treat?

Emsculpt is commonly used on the stomach/abdomen and bottom/gluteal areas and can be offered on the legs and arms, to strengthen existing muscle and build new muscle. As part of the treatment, fat is burned in these areas, which adds to its overall definition.

Emsculpt on the bottom is also known as a non-invasive or non-surgical butt-lift, and as part of customized treatments in this area, Emscuplt is used to build muscle and shape, while retaining the desired amount of ‘fatty’ tissue.

How does emsculpt work?

Emsculpt in NYC uses high-frequency electromagnetic pulses to generate over 20,000 muscle contractions in 30 minutes – the equivalent of doing 20,000 squats or crunches in 30 minutes! These contractions are known as high-intensity or ‘supramaximal’ contractions, which can’t be achieved with any sort of usual exercise.

These contractions force the muscles to quickly adapt to these new ‘extreme’ conditions – causing deep remodeling of the inner workings of the muscle, which in turn makes it stronger as well as building new muscle fibers.

Along with muscle growth, Emsculpt treatments signal fat cells in the area to break down, and they exit the body as waste.

Who is the ideal candidate for emsculpt?

Almost anyone, male or female, can have Emsculpt treatments. It is important to note that while these treatments build muscle and burn fat, Emsculpt is not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise. These treatments are perfect for someone who is looking to:

  • Define and build existing muscle in the abs, legs, and butt
  • Shake those last few pounds
  • Build muscle in order to embark on a new or different training regiment
  • Lift and define a sagging or ‘small’ bottom

If you have any metal or electronic hardware in your body, Emsculpt is not recommended because it can interfere with these items – heating metal and short-circuiting electronics. You should also refrain from Emsculpt if you are at any stage of pregnancy.

What should I expect with emsculpt?

Our doctors are passionate about helping people look and feel their best. At your consultation at our office in New York, we will discuss your goals with you and devise a personalized treatment plan, where we will advise on how many sessions you are to have, as well as any supplementary treatments or products.

It is usually recommended you have 6 sessions minimum over a period of approximately 2-3 weeks. You will be able to start seeing results (if not instantly) after 2-4 weeks, and ongoing for 3-6 months.

Emsculpt procedure

As a leading authority in dermatology, our dermatologists will help you achieve your goals with safe, effective, top-of-the-line treatments and advice via your personalized treatment plan. You’ll leave our office in Manhattan feeling stronger, and more confident every time.

For more information about Emsculpt treatments in New York City, contact Gendler Dermatology today at (212) 288-8222 to schedule a consultation.


Emsculpt treatments themselves are quick – lasting 30 minutes. They have no downtime, so you can return to work or any of your usual activities immediately after treatment.

Emsculpt treatments are likened to a hard workout with none of the sweat or movement – a sensation that gets easier to withstand as the sessions go on. It is not painful, but there may be some slight discomfort depending on the strength of your treatments.

According to studies conducted by Emsculpt, people see an average of a 16% increase in muscle mass, with a 96% customer satisfaction rate. You should discuss your expectations with us, we will provide expert advice and treatment options to help you achieve your desired look.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are both great supplements to any kind of treatment. Depending on your goals, we may recommend treatments such as Coolsculpting, Sclerotherapy for spider veins, or treatments for other skin concerns.


Make your skin a priority with our leading Upper East Side Medical and Cosmetic Board-Certified Dermatologists.

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