The new year has arrived, and you’ve probably made resolutions to improve your health and well-being. It’s around this time of year that we begin fielding many questions about Emsculpt, starting with “How does Emsculpt work?” 

If you want to gain muscle, reduce fat, and look better when swimsuit season arrives, this body contouring procedure may be for you.

Emsculpt is a device approved by the Food and Drug Administration that safely strengthens, firms, and tightens the abdomen and buttocks. Unlike other forms of body contouring, it both improves muscle tone and burns fat. It’s completely safe and natural. No side effects have been reported and over 95% of patients are satisfied with their results.

Here are the questions we are most often asked about Emsculpt. 

How does Emsculpt work?

Emsculpt uses intense waves of electromagnetic energy to trigger contractions in your muscles. The contractions are much more intense than what you can achieve through exercise alone. Muscles are activated over 20,000 times in 30 minutes – not even an Olympic athlete can do that! 

One session with Emsculpt is more effective at toning muscles than doing 20,000 sit-ups or squats, because the machine targets 100% of the muscle. By contrast, physical activity affects less than half of the entire muscle’s strength. 

Once muscles are activated, they respond by hypercontracting. This remodels the muscle’s inner structure and builds new muscle fibers. Abdominal and gluteal muscles become more firm, lifted, and defined. Meanwhile, some fat cells degenerate and are flushed out. This reduces the waistline, but even better, the body continues to burn fat well after the treatment was performed. 

Emsculpt is helpful for improving diastasis recti, a condition that commonly affects women after pregnancy. With diastasis recti, the abdominal muscles remain pushed apart and cause the belly to appear larger and rounder. Emsculpt tightens the core to improve the appearance of the belly and reverse some of the changes caused by pregnancy.  

During the procedure, a device is strapped onto your stomach or gluteal area. Your trained provider will control the contractions at a rate that is appropriate for you and your body. These contractions will feel strange the first few moments, as if an intense vibration has reached your inner core. After several contractions, the machine will perform a tapping motion that helps release the lactic acid from the muscles. 

Is any downtime required after the procedure? 

No downtime is required. You might feel somewhat sore for a day or two after the procedure, similar to the way you feel after an intense workout.

How quickly will I see results?

After just one visit, most patients see and feel an improvement within a day or two. Results are more visible in two to three weeks. 

For optimal results, we typically recommend treatment twice a week for three weeks, for a total of six treatments. To maintain results, one treatment is required every three to six months.

Is Emsculpt right for you?

If you’d like to talk to an expert and get an honest opinion about whether Emculpt is your best option for toning muscles and burning fat, schedule a consultation with us. We will address your concerns and discuss a treatment plan that is best for you.

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