Dr. Hammerman is great. I have been his patient for many years. He's 5 star in every way.
Linda Stallard
I had an excellent experience with Dr. Scott B. Hammerman. He is incredibly professional, kind, and polite. From the moment I walked into his office, he made me feel comfortable and at ease. Dr. Hammerman took great care of me, addressing all my concerns with patience and expertise. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a dermatologist who sincerely cares about his patients and provides top-notch care.
Christiana Grassi
I'm so impressed with Dr. Hammerman. I've been seeing him for a year and he's a rare doctor who takes his time with you. He's on top of the latest treatments (offered 3 more options than my previous doctor). If he's not sure of something, he looks into it. Moreover, more than once when I've called with a question, Dr. Hammerman calls me back within an hour or two--he doesn't pass the message to a nurse or an email, he actually takes his time and talk with you. I've never felt rushed, not in person and not on the phone. Talk about a rarity for a medical professional. So glad he's my dermatologist.
I just got back from Europe for work. I got more compliments than I can remember on how young I look and how nice my skin is. I typically get a shocked face when someone knows my age. I was overwhelmed. You’ve been such a wonderful Dr. You’ve showed me how to care for my skin. I only wish I started decades ago. I’m so thankful that I started seeing you when I heard someone singing your praises. You advise the best personalized skin care which evolves when new products arrive that you know are effective and good for your patients. If there any other effective skin care treatments in office that you think would be beneficial you help and share. Really Dr.G, thank you for helping my 61 self feel and look my best through the best care.
Dr. Ellen Gendler,
Thank you for reaching out to me, and for recommending products that will help Norah’s skin. I feel blessed to have you, a doctor that has never met us, but you continue to go out of your way to put Norah’s well being first. It truly warms my heart. The world needs more Dr. Gendlers. I appreciate you setting up the care package with Photozyme; as we are already noticing a huge improvement in Norah’s skin. Their products work!
Thank you so much,
Hannah Ulecka
Photozyme, Your generosity is unmatched. It is hard to put into words the flood of emotions I experienced as I (Norah’s mom) opened your generous package; a package filled with incredible skincare products that will help rejuvenate my daughters skin. I am restored by the kindness of your company. I strive to provide Norah with the best care and products, and I’m honored that you care about helping protect my sweet girl.
Since using your products, Norah’s skin has never been so well moisturized. We told dermatology at CHOP how well your products work, and will tell other XP families about Photozyme products. I am grateful for the support of your company and the wonderful products you provide. We will be a loyal customer.
Many thanks,
Hannah Ulecka
Dear Ellen,
I was happy to see you at dinner tonight as I had made a note to call your office tomorrow for your email.
Thank you so much for being brilliant and curing the rash on my face so quickly. As you suggested, Clinique Sensitive Skin Cleanser was the culprit.
Ha! I would not have suspected same in a million years.
Huge thanks and
All very best, Judy
I just wanted to send a few photos because I performed on Sunday night… the truth is I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do this if Dr Gendler hadn’t helped me so much with my scar… after the dog attack I didn’t know if I would ever be able to show my face in public. It was truly the worst time of my life, and she has helped me in ways I can’t even describe. Even when it first happened Dr Gendler instantly put me at ease, helping me to believe I’d be ok.
She is helping me believe in myself again. Since Dr Gendler has basically become a NY mom to me 🥰,( whether she wants that or not haha), I thought she might enjoy seeing a few pictures of the performance. This was only the second time ever that I have performed as a singer/songwriter… my whole life I did theatre so this is a new medium for me, though I’ve written songs my whole life. It’s how I process things.
Just wanted to share because this wouldn’t have happened without her
I’m so grateful always
Thank you,
Dear Dr. Gendler,
You have been so supportive over the years and through my turmoil in trying to conceive. Thank you so much! I finally want to share some good news, which is that we have been working with an amazing surrogate and are expecting a baby girl, due July 14th! I’ll keep you posted, but wanted to let you know I’ve thought of your kindness toward me over the years, many times, and am so grateful for your care for me as your patient and for your advice and guidance during my struggle.
Hope you are doing very well and have a terrific summer! You know what I’ll be doing!
Best wishes,
Dr. G,
I’m seriously obsessed with you. How do you do what you do? You’re a genius. How does the face keep getting better & better? I don’t understand it. I LOVE IT.
I love you more than my words could ever describe. You make me feel so much better about how I look—
Dear Ellen,
I wanted to write to you and thank you. You are incredible!!! Your work is amazing. I can’t get over the difference the fillers and the little bit of botox (thank you!) made in my appearance.
Aside from being such a wonderful person – I love our little chats – you do incredible work.
I wish I had found you years ago.
Thank you for taking care of Julia this coming Tuesday.
Have a great weekend.
All my best,
Dr. Scott Hammerman has done a fantastic job with my Eczema. No doctor for years could figure out how to calm down my Eczema. Thanks to Dupixent and Dr. Scott Hammerman I am able to show my legs off.
Damari Rivera
Dear Dr. Gendler,
I can’t tell you how much I love the transformation of my earlobes with filler. I can now wear beloved sets of earrings that my lobes were previously too thin to support. It’s like having a whole new jewelry collection at my fingertips.
Many thanks for the incredible suggestion.
Have a wonderful summer.
Dr. Gendler,
I am writing to thank you for all that you have done for our son who is currently a junior in college. M suffered from severe acne through middle school and high school. He was being actively treated for years by a highly regarded dermatologist near our home in NJ, but no meaningful progress was made in helping him. We finally brought him to you for a second opinion, and you have literally changed his life. You recommended Accutane, and we hesitated at first, given the stated side effects and the fact that Matt had been diagnosed with fatty liver. Despite his fatty liver condition, M’s general practitioner cleared him to try Accutane, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. His acne is gone, his face looks terrific, and his self-confidence has soared. He has not suffered negative side effects from the medication. His college experience has been terrific, and we really think his positive self-image has been a meaningful contributor to his success. Our only regret is not coming to see you sooner.
Thank you again for everything.
M.E. and P.E.
To my amazing doctor and favorite human,
Just thought I would pass along a rave review. I was out on a date Saturday evening.
After 2 hours of lovely conversation, the subject of dating during the 2nd chapter of life came up. I openly shared my age.
My Date’s jaw dropped. He said with the utmost sincerity that I looked 10 years younger than 56. I told him that I have good genes but a GREAT Dermatologist..who keeps me safe and feeling beautiful.( I had to put the good genes comment in)
Just thought I would pass the grateful vibes along.
Wishing you, your family and the super heros at gendler dermatology a very happy thanksgiving!
With love, a grateful heart and the perfect upside down triangle!!
I am a fair-skinned female with a long history of both families and my own different types of skin cancers.
I had developed a scaly area on my scalp in the hairline.
I had presented it to my Florida Dermatologist during 3 different
Body check visits.
He kept reassuring me that this could possibly be a wart or I had banged my head.
Having been familiar with past skin cancers I was not satisfied with his diagnosis.
You would think with my extensive history a biopsy was in order.
On a trip to New York City with my husband, I sought out the expertise of 5th Avenue Dermatologist Dr. Ellen Gender.
As I suspected Dr.Gendler took one look and immediately biopsied the lesion and was correct. It was a basal cell that must have been there for a very long time.
I had a major Mohs’ surgery with a large resection.
I owe Dr. Gendler for her sharp eye and expertise in skin cancer diagnosis and the large knowledge of skin cancer protection products.
Especially in the areas that are hard to see to the naked eye.
After many months of healing, I am happy to say all my hair has grown back and I’m as good as new.
One lesson to be learned, The Best is The Best.
And that is Dr. Ellen Gendler.
Thank You.
Sandy Chestman
In honor of thanksgiving weekend I just wanted to send a special thank you to both you and Dr. Gendler. Thank you for always writing back, your kindness , patience and caring, and for all the help and guidance you give me. It means a lot and I’m very grateful.:)
And a very special thank you to Dr. Gendler. When my dog first attacked me, and I first met Dr. Gendler I was feeling as if I’d be deformed forever . She immediately put me at ease, with her humor, empathy, kindness and mapped out a plan of what we could do. She was like an angel to me in truly the darkest most frightening time of my life. She continues to always make me feel calm and taken care of, and she is a true artist with an amazing eye for detail. I know it’s because of her that I have my confidence back and feel like me again. I’m so happy I did the filler, it is really helping me because I don’t obsess about the scar any more, and that is helping me move through the trauma and put it behind me. I guess I will have to keep up with the filler because emotionally it’s made a huge difference in how I feel. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for seeing me yesterday to look at the shingles. As you may imagine, I was/am very concerned about having shingles on my face. I’ve so much confidence in your judgement and it gives me great comfort to know that I can call upon you and that I am in the best of care.You really are a unique and special physician (and person) and I appreciate your commitment to providing me with such great care whether it’s for a skin issue or other medical problem. I’ll always remember when you said “I’m a doctor!” in response to my saying I didn’t want to bother you around Thanksgiving and that it would’ve been fine to contact you. I think that sums it up as to your dedication to your profession and patients!Thank you!
Lisa :pray|type_1_2:🌹♥️️