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Woman's face, before and after Fraxel treatments, patient 1

Fraxel treatments

As a board-certified dermatologist in New York, and a Castle Connolly Top Doctor since 1999, Dr. Ellen Gendler offers Fraxel treatments at her Upper East Side dermatology practice.

Fraxel is a non-invasive laser skin therapy that addresses several issues in aging skin. It is customized to each patient’s needs and concerns and requires minimal recovery time. Fraxel treatments offer the perfect solution for people who want their skin to look younger and fresher without surgery or time away from work and social events.

A typical Fraxel treatment session lasts about 30 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes beforehand to allow the topical numbing cream to work, which makes the procedure virtually painless. Fraxel treatments cause micro-injuries to the skin in a tiny polka-dot pattern so that there is uninjured skin between each dot.

The skin is “tricked” into thinking that its entire surface has been injured, which triggers the formation of new skin cells. Some patients benefit from a single Fraxel session, while others require several sessions a few months apart to achieve optimal results.

How does fraxel dual treatment work?

Fraxel Dual® 1550/1927 laser treatment targets aging and sun-damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into your skin to expedite your body’s remodeling of collagen. Because the laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, it leaves the surrounding tissue intact, which promotes very rapid healing. Fraxel Dual® treatments rejuvenate your skin by stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells from the inside out.

How long do the positive effects of fraxel dual® treatments last?

It depends on your particular condition and how you care for your skin. Maintenance skin care is very important in achieving long-lasting results. Dr. Gendler will give you specific advice based on your individual needs.

Does fraxel dual® treatment hurt?

Most patients describe an increased sensation of heat during the treatment. Topical anesthesia is applied before the procedure to minimize discomfort. After the treatment, most patients feel like they have sunburn, which usually diminishes in 1 to 3 hours.

Before and After

Woman's face, before and after Fraxel treatments, patient 2
Woman's face, before and after Fraxel treatments, patient 3
Woman's face, before and after Fraxel treatments, patient 4

How many fraxel dual® treatments will I need and how will they be spaced?

Clinical studies suggest that some patients may require one to two follow-up treatments for optimal results. Results after each session are progressive, with optimal improvement usually visible in 1 to 2 months. This time frame allows for complete healing and the production of new collagen and elastin to replace damaged tissue.

What should I expect after a Fraxel Dual® treatment?

During the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel as though it is sunburned, and it will appear pink or red, but it will not be uncomfortable. If absolutely necessary, light makeup can be used to camouflage the sunburned appearance. Your skin will naturally bronze over the next few days, with tiny dots of pigment, almost like pepper, which will gradually exfoliate off on its own. Sometimes a manual exfoliant such as a Clarisonic will be recommended.

Book a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists at our upper east side office. Their knowledge and extensive experience allow them to deliver results you’ll love. To schedule your appointment call 212-288-8222.


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