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Clear + Brilliant™ is a revolutionary, gentle laser skin care treatment, clinically proven to fight the effects of aging skin.

Clear + Brilliant:

  • Is safe, non-surgical, and non-invasive
  • Helps improve tone and texture and gives skin a radiant, youthful glow
  • Creates a more even skin canvas, with a reduction in the appearance of pores
  • Is a perfect complement to individual beauty and lifestyle regimens

A Typical Clear + Brilliant Treatment:

  • Requires about 20 minutes for a complete session
  • May involve the application of topical numbing cream to your face before treatment to provide additional comfort.
  • With Clear + Brilliant treatments, a topical antioxidant serum may be applied to the skin immediately after treatment.

If you’re battling the effects aging can have on your skin or try to address it before the battle even starts, Clear + Brilliant can help. With simple, gentle laser treatments provided by our licensed staff, you can help prevent the visible signs of aging and the overall dulling effect time and the environment can have on your skin.

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Make your skin a priority with our leading Upper East Side Medical and Cosmetic Board-Certified Dermatologists.

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